Women Supporting Women

InspirHer 2024

Get ready for an empowering and unforgettable experience exclusively for women, INSPIR-HER WOMEN EXPERIENCE EVENT


InspirHer was born amidst the height of the pandemic, as conversations revealed that women from diverse backgrounds were grappling to find a space where they could unwind and be themselves.

It became evident through their stories that women yearned for a safe haven to relax, let go, and embrace their most vulnerable selves. What began as an intimate brunch for 15 of my closest friends has evolved into the most sought-after experience of the year.

Our gatherings delve into various topics, sparking difficult conversations and fostering effective solutions. Inspirher is not merely another women's movement; it's a sanctuary for uplifting, resetting, and embracing an unapologetic life rooted in love, support, and encouragement, it stands as a beacon for women to thrive.

Tricia Kissi Posed By InspirHer Logo
InspirHer Table Setup
InspirHer Attendees Posing By Logo
InspirHer Attendees Having a Good Time

1st September, 2024

1:30pm EDT

293 Benedict Ave, Tarrytown
New York, NY

Reserve a seat.

Take the bold step towards making things happen for you. Come and learn how.